It's Normal for This to Feel Weird - Transitioning From 1:1 To Scalable Offers

Something that is not talked about often enough when it comes to creating a course, program, or other scalable offer, is that it feels really weird the first few times that you make a sale of a self-study program or a toolkit. 

Especially if you’re someone transitioning from a form of touch point with your clients, whether that’s 1:1 services, or small group programs or workshops where you’re used to getting feedback in real time from your people.

It’s natural to feel a little bit weird and unsure, and question yourself about if they like the course or not,  because you’re not getting the sort of feedback you’re accustomed to when working so closely with 1:1 clients. You’re not getting that instant feedback that you get by leading live sessions with clients where you can hear what is working and what isn’t working for them. 

We just have to trust that whoever bought the course is going through it, and liking it and getting what they need out of it. 

And there is such a deeper level of trust required to having these scalable offers. Especially with self-study programs that you’re not involved with at all. 

You’re no longer leading someone step by step, you’re letting and trusting that your curriculum can hold them the way that you hold them. 

It is a big shift to go from working with your people and guiding them and being the one that’s directly responding to their needs to no longer lead them through the course, and instead teach them how to lead themselves through the course. 

And that’s a big change. 

That’s why I’m such a huge advocate for two specific things when you are moving through this transition from going from 1:1 offers into scalable offers.

1) Having a lot of strategic structure to your offers. 

It’s a lot easier to actually trust that your people are getting results if you can confidently say to yourself - Yes I have intentionally designed this program to make sure I have thought through the questions they’re going to have, I’m confident that I’m teaching really clearly, I’ve built in feedback points, and I’ve designed and architected this offer to be able to hold my people very clearly. 

So then you can be held by the structure of your offer and trust that your people are getting what they need. 

2) And the other thing I’m a huge advocate for is support.

 It’s natural and normal for thought gremlins to come up and have you question yourself and your offer. That’s why it’s so important to have a community around you, and to have a guide, a mentor, or a coach supporting you.  To be really surrounded by people who are on this journey with you. 

Because it’s a big change. And being able to feel so supported by people who acknowledge and understand the gremlins that come with the territory is such a game changer.  

It’s a natural evolution of your business as you step into new levels of impact, new levels of support, new levels of expansions in your body of work. So if you want strategic structure and the support, whether you want a long juice virtual container like Masterpiece , or you want to come to an immersive experience in the South of France, I have ways to help you.  

And if you’re ready for these new levels in your life and business, and you want to make sure your offers are strategically designed to get your people powerful results, we should have a chat 😉




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