Emily m walker

Offer Architect | Strategic Mentor

Wild-hearted woo with a penchant
for sour candies and midnight walks.

I’ve always had a love for creating order out of chaos.

a gift for finding the path from the vision to the strategic action to bring it all to life

I was the kid who wanted to organize her friend’s closet instead of playing dress-up.

The one who meticulously colour-coordinated her notes, but still wrote her entire Master’s thesis just three weeks before the deadline.

The (mildly) annoying friend who figures out the plot twist 15 minutes into the movie because her brain can’t help but find patterns and connect the dots.

This talent for weaving threads into strategy, for building pathways and reflecting brilliance, makes me really, ridiculously good at what I do.

Like so many of us, I started in the corporate sector...

Building out compliance trainings and certification programs for universities, government, large corporations and non-profits.

And also like so many of us - as much as I loved the crafting of a learning experience, the subject matter made my creative soul wither away (100 slides on hazardous waste, no thank you.)

So I decided to tiptoe into entrepreneurship, designing a life around a spacious schedule, no fluorescent lights or cubicles, and the ability to work with the most incredible humans every day.

Everything changed in my business when I stopped following the rules.

I really struggled with all the traditional business advice -

Like “done is better than perfect”, “find the MVP”, “twist the knife”, “consistency is key” “new level, up level, new you, future you”.

It was like they had taken a look inside my brain and chosen the exact things that wouldn’t work for me.

Compromise on quality, push and rush, manipulate people through pain and shame, and force your creative energy to follow someone else’s set schedule.

It was a hell no for me.

And a hell yes to showing people how all the ways you say f*ck that to industry standards and instead lean into what makes you unique is actually the biggest key to success out there.

It’s not about becoming someone new, but rather becoming more of who you truly are.

My journey to where my practice is today is woven with threads of coaching, of prioritizing pleasure, of deep intimacy and integration work, of rewriting and redefining all the toxic messages traditional business advice tends to spout.

My journey back to Self has uncovered that my perfectionism is actually a deep resonance with visual beauty and devotion to premium standards in everything that I do.

My disinterest to try the 5am club or hustle 24/7 to make bank isn’t a fear of failure or lack of discipline, it’s a radical inner knowing that slow, luscious spaciousness is the most aligned support I can give my gentle soul and neurodivergent brain.

My refusal to ‘overcome objections’ or force my clients into a ‘proven strategy’ isn’t a fixed mindset, it’s a core belief in the brilliance, autonomy and uniqueness of the people I serve.

I am deeply dedicated in helping you evolve and amplify your body of work so you can impact thousands, if not millions of people.


a CLIENT's pinch me moment:

“Emily, I’m standing in the store”

Creating, launching and delivering a signature course is no easy feat (despite what the marketing pros want you to believe) - but all the time, energy and love become so worth it when you see the impact you’re making on people’s lives.

One of my very first clients, a brilliant woman named Karen, came to me ready to share her story and her genius in supporting people to craft a life filled with purpose and abundance. Karen poured her whole heart into crafting a lifechanging program to lead people in a deep inner journey, through which one member uncovered a dream to open their own luxury boutique.

A year later, I received a message from Karen: “Emily, I’m standing in the store. The store.” The dream that was not only uncovered, but fully realized thanks to Karen putting her program out there in the world.

Ways you can work with me

private support

1:1 Services

For the seasoned expert looking to encapsulate their genius in a scalable body of work.

intimate group


For the experienced entrepreneur ready to step into next level expansion.


Course Shoppe

For the self-led entrepreneur looking to design and deliver their results-driven offers.

Listen to me interviewed

ADHD in Business - The Ambitious Introvert Podcast

listen here

Designing Powerful and Profitable Online Programs - The Strategy Hour

listen here

Learning Design to Increase Summit Impact - Summit Host Hangout

listen here

Explore my perspectives in the Journal

redefine the scalable LEARNING experience

Turn your body of work into
a life-changing work of art.